Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'socialism'

Audio: Samuel Gregg on the Limits of Social Democracy

Samuel Gregg, Director of Research at the Acton Institute and author of For God And Profit: How Banking and Finance Can Serve the Common Good, joins host Drew Mariani on Relevant Radio’s The Drew Mariani Show to discuss the recent failed referendum in Switzerland that would have provided a guaranteed basic income to all citizens, and how that vote reflects the limitations of social democracy. Continue Reading...

What Would Life Be Like Without Capitalism?

In an era where socialism is (inexplicably) once again in vogue, we should ask, “What would life be like in a world without capitalism?” The Fund for American Studies has produced a superb It’s a Wonderful Life-style video that not only shows what life would be like if we banned free enterprise (i.e., Continue Reading...

When Bernie Sanders met Pope Francis

ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos Well, it finally happened. The pope felt the Bern. Against expectations, Pope Francis and  Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democrat candidate for U.S. president, met privately today in the Vatican hotel where the pontiff resides and where Sanders was staying as a guest. Continue Reading...