Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'religious liberty'

Catholic hospital can’t fire doctor for violating morality: Court

The Roman Catholic Church cannot hold its employees accountable if they break their contractual obligation to live by the Church’s teachings, a German court has ruled. In an Orwellian twist, the court ruled that firing a baptized Catholic from a Catholic institution for violating Catholic teachings constitutes religious discrimination. Continue Reading...

UK govt to investigate global Christian persecution

As the West continues to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas which extend into the New Year, some 215 million Christians worldwide face violence or repression. On the day after Christmas, the British government launched a review of Christian persecution in “key countries” – especially in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa – and to seek ways the UK can help those who are suffering. Continue Reading...

The church that lives by the State shall die by the State

In all the articles about last week’s 50th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Prague, few took note of one of its enduring scars: widespread and ubiquitous atheism. Some may be surprised to learn that the Czech people are the most irreligious people in Europe, not just because of decades of government-sponsored atheism, but because of centuries of government-enforced religion. Continue Reading...
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