Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'religion'

Star Wars and self-interest

Recent installments in the Star Wars universe directly raise the theme of self-interest, and specifically the formation or deformation of the self. These instances help us ask the important question, “Who puts the ‘self’ in self-interest?” Continue Reading...

How people view religion’s role in their countries

Across 27 countries surveyed, more people think religion plays a less important role than a more important role compared with 20 years ago, notes a new report from Pew Research. But around the world, more people also favor an increased role for religion in their country than oppose it. Continue Reading...

New Issue of the Journal of Markets & Morality (Vol. 21, No. 1)

The newest issue of the Journal of Markets & Morality has been published online and print copies are forthcoming. This issue is a theme issue on “The Role of Religion in a Free Society,” with guest editors Richard Epstein and Mario Rizzo of New York University School of Law, and Michael McConnell of Stanford Law School. Continue Reading...

Thoughts on Christians and race-identity issues

Here’s the deal, short and straight to the point, in light of the events in Charlottesville: Christians should not be within ten miles of this race-identity stuff. Something like “white nationalism” cannot be reconciled with the Gospel’s leap across racial and national barriers. Continue Reading...

Lessons from India’s ‘private city’

Given the acceleration of urbanization around the world, many are wondering how local governments and city planners will keep up with the pace. While advocates of free markets routinely argue for fewer top-down restrictions and more privatization of local services, others argue for increased controls and more advanced central planning. Continue Reading...

Video: Rev. Sirico on religion and the inauguration of President Trump

Acton Institute President Rev. Robert A. Sirico joined host Neal Cavuto this morning on Fox News Channel’s Cost of Freedom to provide commentary on the national prayer service held today at the Washington National Cathedral as part of the activities surrounding the inauguration of President Donald Trump, and to examine the role the civil religion has played throughout American history. Continue Reading...
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