Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'poverty'

Review: Money, Greed, and God

The belief that the essence of capitalism is greed is perhaps the biggest myth Jay W. Richards tackles in his new book, Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism is the Solution and not the Problem. Continue Reading...

PBR: The End of Poverty

This Sunday I’ll be giving a talk at Fountain Street Church on the life and work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. His unfinished Ethics is a tantalizing work, full of insights and conundrums. Continue Reading...


The lyrics to “Busted,” written by Harlan Howard, and made famous as performed by Johnny Cash: My bills are all due and the babies need shoes, But I’m Busted Cotton’s gone down to a quarter a pound And I’m Busted I got a cow that’s gone dry And a hen that won’t lay A big stack of bills Getting bigger each day The county’s gonna haul my belongings away, But I’m Busted So I called on my brother to ask for a loan ‘Cause I was Busted I hate to beg like a dog for a bone, But I’m Busted My brother said, “there’s not a thing I can do, My wife and my kids Are all down with the flu And I was just thinkin’ about callin’ on you, ‘Cause I’m Busted.” Continue Reading...

Obama Reparations Radio Interview Begs a Question: Does Wealth Redistribution Actually Help the Poor?

A 2001 radio interview of Barack Obama surfaced yesterday in which he said that “one of the tragedies of the Civil Rights movement,” and one of the limitations of the Warren Supreme Court, was that although they won such formal rights as the right to vote and “sit at the lunch counter and order,” they “never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth.” Continue Reading...

Pols behaving badly

Last week an email newsletter from Sojourners featured a quote from U2 rock star and activist Bono (courtesy the American Prospect blog): It’s extraordinary to me that the United States can find $700 billion to save Wall Street and the entire G8 can’t find $25 billion dollars to saved 25,000 children who die every day from preventable diseases. Continue Reading...

Birth of Freedom Shorts series: Poverty in medieval europe

“If medieval Europe was so great, why were most medievals poor?” This is something you might wonder after viewing Acton Media’s new documentary, The Birth of Freedom. However, in this new video short, expert Sam Gregg reminds viewers that in order to make meaningful comparisons regarding the living standards of peasants in Medieval Europe, we must be mindful of historical context and technological progress to that point. Continue Reading...

CRC Sea to Sea tour conclusion

The ninth week of the CRC’s Sea to Sea bike tour has been completed. The ninth and final leg of the journey took the bikers from St. Catharines, Ontario, to Jersey City, a total distance of 430 miles. Continue Reading...

CRC Sea to Sea tour week 8

The eighth week of the CRC’s Sea to Sea bike tour has been completed. The eighth and penultimate leg of the journey took the bikers from Grand Rapids to St. Catharines, Ontario, a total distance of 410 miles. Continue Reading...
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