Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Pope Francis'

Jimmy Lai innocent, Pope Francis silent on Hong Kong

A court has found Hong Kong dissident Jimmy Lai not guilty of intimidation. But that does not mean he, or Hong Kong, can rest easy – especially as he faces the prospect of life in prison without any public support from the most important institution in his life: the Vatican. Continue Reading...

Government funds bring corruption to Mayberry

Front Royal, Virginia, is just 70 miles from Washington, D.C., by road but a million miles away by culture. One resident described the town, which bills itself as “the northern gateway way to the Shenandoah Valley,” as “sort of like Mayberry.” Continue Reading...

6 ways to combat consumerism

The Gospel reading on Sunday was the story of Lazarus and the rich man. I often refer to this parable in discussions about poverty, because Augustine points out that it was not wealth that sent the rich man to hell, but his indifference. Continue Reading...

Pope Francis on ‘fake charity’

At the recent Vatican meeting of Catholic Charities Pope Francis praised the participants for their concern for the poor and marginalized, but warned them of the danger of “fake charity.” Carol Glatz writes in Catholic Herald: Charity is not a sterile service or a simple donation to hand over to put our conscience at ease,” he said. Continue Reading...
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