Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Pope for Environment'

Pope Francis preaches the gospel of global warming

In the Washington Times, Nicholas Hahn critiques the scientific and economic arguments of Pope Francis’s eco-encyclical and the policies the pontiff proposed. Despite the pontiff’s best intentions to steer clear of politics, his encyclical too often engages in sophisticated science and partisan policymaking. Continue Reading...

Falling Support for Climate Resolutions

All eyes seem to be directed toward Rome last week as the Pope weighed in on climate change. As anticipated, there has already been a lot of spinning by the whirling dervishes of the zealous variety– doubling down on their over-the-top, pre-release spin. Continue Reading...

Evangelicals and Pope Francis’s Encyclical on the Environment

When Pope Francis releases his encyclical tomorrow there is a group of Christians that will be eager to respond: American evangelicals. Rather than responding based on what we read in the headlines, says Spence Spencer, evangelicals should read the encyclical in light of historic Roman Catholic teaching: Whatever the content of the new encyclical is, we must read it in concert with previous teachings of the Church.  Continue Reading...

Who Is Advising Pope Francis on Global Warming?

The release of Pope Francis’ environmental encyclical raises questions about who has been advising him on global warming, says Catherine Snow in this week’s Acton Commentary, especially since some of the advisers are decidedly on the wrong side of Catholic teaching. Continue Reading...
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