Rev. Sirico on Helping the Poor

Rev. Robert A. Sirico was recently a guest on The Matt Friedeman Show where he discussed the difference between charity and socialism. He talks about not only how we should give, but also how we can best help the poor. Continue Reading...

Are High Gas Prices Affecting Job Seekers?

Gas prices are beginning to come down, but for many people prices are not falling fast enough. The pain caused by high gas prices is spread widely, but it is felt intensely on the working poor and the unemployed who are trying to find a job. Continue Reading...

President Obama’s Energy Doublespeak

Now meeting the goal of cutting our dependence depends largely on two things: first, finding and producing more oil at home; second, reducing our overall dependence on oil with cleaner alternative fuels and greater efficiency. Continue Reading...

Empowerment through Giving within the Local Church

In a follow up to Jordan Ballor’s commentary last week, “Christian Giving Begins with the Local Church,” here is a related excerpt from Darren Dochuk’s From Bible Belt to Sunbelt: Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots Politics, and the rise of Evangelical Conservatism. Continue Reading...
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