Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'physics'

Science, Faith, and Our Place in The Universe

In Acton’s newly published monograph, Catholicism, Ecology, and the Environment, Bishop Dominique Rey explores the relationship between man and the created world. In the book’s foreword, written by Acton’s Director of Research Sam Gregg, Gregg summarizes the Catholic view of man’s relationship to created matter: Man is understood as intrinsically superior to the natural world. Continue Reading...

ResearchLinks – 11.09.12

Article: “The Ethics of Digital Preservation” Peter Johan Lor and J.J. Britz. “An ethical perspective on political-economic issues in the long-term preservation of digital heritage.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61, no. Continue Reading...

Breaking Physics

In the midst of rising oil prices, massive energy bills, speculation about our supplies of oil – not to mention global warming – a small beacon lights up in Ireland. A technology company named Steorn has made an announcement that it has discovered free energy. Continue Reading...
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