Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'on call in culture'

Integrating Evangelism and Social Action Across Culture

In the recent issue of Reject Apathy, an off-shoot publication of RELEVANT Magazine, Tim Hoiland explores what he believes to be a tension between “serving justice” and “saving souls”: This [young] generation’s passion for justice is, without doubt, something to celebrate. Continue Reading...

On Call with Dr. Pamela Casson

Dr. Pamela Casson, a pediatrician in Colorado Springs, knows what it means literally to be “On Call.” This week she shares with us in this video interview with Jon Hirst how she sees God working through her in her work with families, children and the world around her. Continue Reading...

Interrupt Me, Please?

Today’s blog post is from one of our faithful On Call in Culture community members, Sheila Seiler Lagrand, Ph.D. who earned her doctorate in anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Continue Reading...

Leading Up

Most of the time we spend on this planet we are looking down. Down at our desks . . . down at our feet . . . down at the dishes. Continue Reading...

On Call in Culture Skills Review

Over several weeks we have been talking about the skills we need to develop as we are On Call in Culture; a Kingdom-focused memory, storytelling (which involves observation and reflection), and vulnerability. Continue Reading...
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