Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'new york times'

Cognitive Dissonance at the New York Times

Any rational person will readily agree that life in America has become slightly insane. This was true especially of COVID time and its consequences, be they medical, political, or existential. But even before that, much of America had endured the tyranny of “political correctness”—a term that has gone out of fashion, replaced by “woke” or “wokeism.” Continue Reading...

David Brooks Is onto Something. Christians Take Note.

It has taken some time but there are signs that the cultural elites, members of what has been called America’s “ruling class,” have started to engage in some long overdue self-examination as it relates to their engagement with populist dynamics, especially as represented in the figure of Donald Trump. Continue Reading...

Christians Flee Middle East; Will It Be For Good?

With persecution of Christians there at an all time high, many have chosen to leave the Middle East. Christianity Today, reporting on the latest Pew Research report, says the number of Christians in the Middle East has dropped from 14 percent of the population to just 4 percent. Continue Reading...
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