Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'michael moore'

‘Planet of the Humans’: Michael Moore goes off the (ideological) grid

Imagine you have just wrapped up another Earth Day celebration at your church (online only this year) and as long time chair of the Creation Care committee, you reflect on all the accomplishments: banning Styrofoam coffee cups and plastic bottles; mandating locally sourced and sustainably farmed organic food at all hospitality events; convincing your pastor to offer sermons and “climate blessings” provided by the mother church’s Social Justice office. Continue Reading...

Doing the Math on the Evil Rich

Bill Whittle at Declaration Entertainment uses a recent Iowahawk post, Feed Your Family on $10 Billion a Day, to figure out how an “Eat the Rich” economics program would work as a solution to our fiscal ills. Continue Reading...

Review — Capitalism: A Love Story

The family friendly Movieguide published my review of Michael Moore’s trashing of the market economy, “Capitalism: A Love Story.” Excerpt: Perhaps the most egregious bit of manipulative effort Moore displays in his latest attempt, which by all reports has failed miserably at the box office, is his attempt to use religion, in particular the social teachings of the Catholic Church, to grant an imprimatur to his un-nuanced critique of the business economy. Continue Reading...

Acton Media Alert: Sirico on the BBC

On Monday, Acton Founder and President Rev. Robert A. Sirico took to the airwaves of the BBC and squared off against Oliver Kamm of the London Times in a spirited debate over the merits of Michael Moore’s latest “documentary,” Capitalism: A Love Story. Continue Reading...

Six Reasons to Reject Obamacare

If it doesn’t faze you that Uncle Sam badly mishandled the stimulus porkanaza Congress would have directed bazillions to a surreally corrupt Acorn but for these two young heroes Michael Moore’s Sicko is Wacko Canadians will no longer have a free market healthcare system to flee to Government-run health care will look and smell and feel like the Department of Motor Vehicles … with sharp needles and bedpans If none of this has convinced you that a government-run healthcare system is a bad idea, then spend some time perusing Jay Richards’ thoughtful blogging work on health care here at The Enterprise Blog. Continue Reading...

Sicko: a lot healthier than I expected…

This evening, I attended a showing of Michael Moore’s movie Sicko… I wasn’t expecting much, so maybe it was easy to exceed my expectations. But I was pleasantly surprised that the movie wasn’t far more painful for me to watch. Continue Reading...