Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Mental health'

The Smartphone Generation Isn’t All Right

The evidence is almost incontrovertible. Economic growth through free trade, globalization, and burgeoning markets have allowed for unparalleled worldwide wealth. Less than 10% of the world population lives on subsistent wages, and many of the countries still mired in poverty are destitute largely due to human-caused exigencies like war and corruption. Continue Reading...

Mental Illness and the Suffering Word

He knows. This John knows. How? Has he peered down into the bottomless pit in the middle of the Wilderness? Seen the Stranger trapped in a small iron Cage lowered on a long iron chain so far into the darkness that only a pinprick of light is visible? Continue Reading...

Education And Mental Health: Will Assessments Stop School Shootings?

that would require homeschooled and public school students to undergo mandatory mental health assessments. The bill aims to “provide behavioral health assessments to children” and states the following: “That section 10-206 of the general statutes be amended to require (1) each pupil enrolled in public school at grades 6, 8, 10 and 12 and each home-schooled child at ages 12, 14 and 17 to have a confidential behavioral health assessment, the results of which shall be disclosed only to the child’s parent or guardian, and (2) each health care provider performing a child’s behavioral health assessment to complete the appropriate form supplied by the State Board of Education verifying that the child has received the assessment.” Continue Reading...