Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'liberty'

Presidential Campaigns and Soul Revival

“As Secularism Advances, Political Messianism Draws More Believers” is my commentary for this week. So much can be said about religion and presidential campaigns but for this piece I wanted to elevate some important truths about virtue and discernment in our society today. Continue Reading...

Os Guinness on Solzhenitsyn and Truth

Os Guinness makes the concise yet brilliant defense of the centrality of truth in the introduction to One Word of Truth: A portrait of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn by David Aikman. This short introduction not only offers keen insight into Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, but directly speaks to the ills of our society. Continue Reading...

Liberty: A Delicate Fruit

Today is Independence Day in the United States, and the Christian Post asked me to weigh in on the question, “What Does American Freedom Mean to A Christian?” Lord Acton observed that liberty is “the delicate fruit of a mature civilization.” Continue Reading...

Reflections for Memorial Day

One of the powerful things about Memorial Day is that we live in a community and an America that is worthy of sacrifice. Many feel, for good reason, the foundational ideals of our Republic are in peril. Continue Reading...

Registration Deadline for 2012 AU

The deadline to register for the 2012 Acton University conference is this Friday, May 18! This means that you have less than five days to visit to finish that application you started a few days ago. Continue Reading...

Catholic Bishops Defend Religious Liberty

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty released an Easter week statement titled “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty.” The document outlines recent threats to religious liberty in the States and abroad while endorsing an upcoming  “Fortnight for Freedom” to defend what it calls “the most cherished of American freedoms.” Continue Reading...

A Very Funny Conception of Liberty

The recent oral arguments presented before the Supreme Court about ObamaCare’s individual mandate have exposed a profound difference in how American’s conceive of liberty. In the the New York Times, Adam Liptak provides a revealing example: Continue Reading...