Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'liberation theology'

Death of a Liberation Theologian

A decade or so ago, I boarded a Miami flight headed for Detroit and found myself sitting next to a short, elderly, Latin American gentleman. Throughout the flight, we exchanged the usual pleasantries that characterize such travel. Continue Reading...

The slow death of liberation theology in Brazil

The Sandinista Revolution (1979 – 1990), which sought to transform Nicaragua into a new Cuba, was well-known for many things, including the way in which it highlighted the new alliance between the Latin American Communist movements and liberation theologians. Continue Reading...

How Christian Marxism took root in Brazil

1968 was a year of intense change for the world. Anyone who lived it may have thought the world was being engulfed by the waters of revolution.  Across the world, students took to the streets promising to destroy the political system. Continue Reading...

How politics becomes religion

In his new article for the Catholic World Report, Samuel Gregg, Research Director for the Acton Institute, argues that many in the world today have replaced politics with religion.  One result of this is disproportionate outrage and scandal over political events, such as Brett Kavanaugh’s recent nomination to the United States Supreme Court. Continue Reading...

Pope Francis, Oscar Romero And The Economy

Rev. Robert Sirico ponders the economic and theological links between Pope Francis and Oscar Romero today at RealClear Religion. Sirico says that these “two prominent churchmen of our era … expose the difference between a ‘preferential option for the poor’ and a preferential option for the state.” Continue Reading...
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