Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Laborem Exercens'

Immigration, Subsidiarity, and State Sovereignty in the Age of Trump

Immigration has driven ideological discord and social fragmentation perhaps more than any other issue. Since assuming office in January, President Donald J. Trump has signed a series of executive orders empowering the Department of Homeland Security and its primary investigative arm, ICE, to expand border security and hasten the removal of illegal immigrants by way of individual and mass deportations. Continue Reading...

How does human work further human dignity?

For all the claims regarding the subjectivity of economics, including schools of thought that emphasize subjective value theory and the descriptive rather than the normative, much mainstream economic thought focuses on what seems to be objective and measurable. Continue Reading...

‘Work Is A Good Thing For Man’

I was transfixed by this video the other day. The simplicity of the video itself, the careful, skillful work, the lovely hands of a master at work – all brought to mind the goodness of work and creation that God granted to us. Continue Reading...

Jesus Christ, a Small Businessman at Work

Mark Tooley of IRD highlights a talk by Michael Novak, “Jesus Was a Small Businessman.” Speaking to students at the Catholic University of America, Novak observed: When he was the age of most of you in this room, then, Jesus was helping run a small business. Continue Reading...
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