Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'john paul II'

The Pope and The CEO

Our good friend at the Seven Fund (and Acton Research Fellow in Entrepreneurship) Andreas Widmer, has released his book, The Pope and the CEO. Andreas tells stories of his journey from a Swiss Guard for John Paul II to an entrepreneur and business leader. Continue Reading...

Key to Economic Flourishing

It is nice to know that we here at Acton have friends in high places.  This article at Catholic Exchange by George Weigel points out that Blessed John Paul II had some keen insights into what makes economic life flourish: “John Paul taught that what the Church proposes is not simply the free society, but the free and virtuous society. Continue Reading...

Are High Gas Prices Affecting Job Seekers?

Gas prices are beginning to come down, but for many people prices are not falling fast enough. The pain caused by high gas prices is spread widely, but it is felt intensely on the working poor and the unemployed who are trying to find a job. Continue Reading...

Messages for Easter

Easter is fast approaching, and in light of this revered day, we take a look at Easter messages the Acton Institute has published in the past. A day celebrated by all Christians, Easter can mean many different things for people. Continue Reading...
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