Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'international justice mission'

Sex Trafficking CAN Be Eliminated

There are few things more horrifying than the sexual exploitation of a child. Perhaps it is made even worse to think that those who are meant to protect the child (parents, police, court officials) are complicit in the harm of that child. Continue Reading...

What Happens When You Can’t Afford Justice?

Rule of law isn’t an attention-grabber. There are no celebrities touting social media campaigns for rule of law, no telethons with your favorite pop star to answer the phone and take your money, no website where you can buy t-shirts and water bottles to show your support. Continue Reading...

21st Century Abolitionism

“The struggle for justice always stands or falls on the battlefield of hope.” This is but one of a passel of pithy expressions found throughout Gary Haugen’s new book, Just Courage. Continue Reading...
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