Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'human flourishing'

The fallacy of capitalism’s ‘race to the bottom’

The Biden administration proposes a global minimum tax on corporations to end the “global race to the bottom.” Leaving aside the wisdom of letting France tax U.S.-based corporations, this phrase recalls one of the regnant canards of our time: Capitalism inevitably lowers living standards and grinds people down into poverty. Continue Reading...

Economic freedom means longer life, lower infant mortality, and less poverty: Report

Economic freedom is strongly tied to human flourishing, longevity, and even rates of survival, according to a new study. The Fraser Institute released its 2020 “Economic Freedom of the World” report on Thursday and, once again, the Canadian think tank found a strong correlation between free-market economics, prosperity, and overall levels of public health and well-being. Continue Reading...

How to learn new skills in a challenging economy

People all around the world have embraced new responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some continue to work providing needed goods and services, while others are discovering new ways their work can meet those needs while they are physically distant from their colleagues and those whom they serve. Continue Reading...

Video: Anne Rathbone Bradley on why Christians must support economic freedom

The 2017 Acton Lecture Series continued on March 3rd with an address by Anne Rathbone Bradley, Vice President of Economic Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics. Bradley explained that economic freedom is a necessary condition for each of us to contribute to and partake in human flourishing; Christians need to understand this fact and support economic freedom in order to allow everyone to be able to use their God-given gifts to participate in the redemption of His creation, and to better serve their families, neighbors, and others that they may not even know. Continue Reading...

Why Christians must support economic freedom

In a new article from West Michigan Christian News, Paul R. Kopenkoskey covers a recent Acton Lecture Series event. The lecture featured, Anne Rathbone Bradley, vice president of economic initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work and Economics. Continue Reading...
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