Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Generation Z'

Inside Out 2: Fluff, Hijinks—and Exactly the Right Message

My generation’s worst habits are finally being put under the magnifying glass. Social media addiction is getting national attention, from the surgeon general of the United States advising a warning label, to some of the biggest school districts in the country straight-up banning children from using cellphones during the school day. Continue Reading...

The Gen Z Marriage Paradox

Marriage—an institution as old as time—is increasingly under threat. The marriage rate has fallen 60% since 1970, and the number of children living in working-class, married-parent families fell from 85% to 55% in the same time frame. Continue Reading...

What’s the point of working anymore?

Is there any value to work in today’s world? This is a question that many in Generation Z find themselves asking. I started working at a very young age. By 12 years old, I already had two part-time jobs plus a side business of my own. Continue Reading...

The kids are all right, but better with religion

In a classic 1976 episode of All in the Family, the TV character Archie Bunker took it upon himself to baptize his grandson at his local church. He did this secretly, as he explained to God, because his son-in-law was a “dopey atheist” who wouldn’t permit the baby to be baptized. Continue Reading...
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