Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'free markets'

Corporations: moral, immoral, or amoral?

Is the free market moral? To hear its opponents describe it, the free market is an unethical system that exploits workers, consumers and the environment to make a quick buck. To critics such as Marx, capitalism leaves “no other bond between man and man than naked self-interest,” replacing human connections with cost-benefit analyses and supply-and-demand charts. Continue Reading...

Audio: Samuel Gregg on Theresa May’s Election Blunder

On Friday afternoon, Acton Institute Director of Programs Samuel Gregg joins guest host Paul Kengor on Ave Maria Radio’s Kresta in the Afternoon to discuss the shocking results of last week’s snap UK elections that saw Theresa May and the Tories lose their majority in the UK Parliament. Continue Reading...

Video: Anne Rathbone Bradley on why Christians must support economic freedom

The 2017 Acton Lecture Series continued on March 3rd with an address by Anne Rathbone Bradley, Vice President of Economic Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics. Bradley explained that economic freedom is a necessary condition for each of us to contribute to and partake in human flourishing; Christians need to understand this fact and support economic freedom in order to allow everyone to be able to use their God-given gifts to participate in the redemption of His creation, and to better serve their families, neighbors, and others that they may not even know. Continue Reading...

The human rights threat and the North Korean Regime

Update: The full interview is now available online. — What’s going on in North Korea? The First Issue of Religion & Liberty in 2017 will explore this question in depth. The main feature will be an interview with Suzanne Scholte, president of the Defense Forum Foundation. Continue Reading...

Thomas Sowell on poverty, politics, and the origins of prosperity

“The mundane progress driven by ordinary economic and social processes in a free society becomes dramatic only when its track record is viewed in retrospect over a span of years.” –Thomas Sowell In a recent edition of Uncommon Knowledge, economist Thomas Sowell discusses his latest book, Wealth, Poverty, and Politics, which provides a comprehensive argument for the origins of prosperity. Continue Reading...