Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'franciscans'

‘The New Exodus’

Violence from Muslim extremists is causing Christians to flee the Middle East in staggering numbers. In the early nineties, there were 1.3 million Christians living in Iraq and today there are less than 200,000. Continue Reading...

ResearchLinks – 11.09.12

Article: “The Ethics of Digital Preservation” Peter Johan Lor and J.J. Britz. “An ethical perspective on political-economic issues in the long-term preservation of digital heritage.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61, no. Continue Reading...

Subsidiarity Inverted

Jeff Mirus of flogs an address by Capuchin friar and dean of theology at St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, Father David Couturier. I share Mirus’s assessment that “one is at times unsure exactly what Fr. Continue Reading...
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