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Post Tagged 'farming'

Free Range Markets

Here is an question: Where do a lot of socially liberal, anti-capitalists,left-leaning, organic, environmentalist, vegan, social democrat types who enthusiastically support government regulation and nationalized health care go to find a sense of community? Continue Reading...

Farm Subsidies Follow-up: Feed the Rich

In one of this week’s Acton Commentaries, Ray Nothstine and I juxtapose a static, sedentary dependence on government subsidies with a dynamic, entrepreneurial spirit of innovation. The impetus for this short piece was an article that originally appeared in the Grand Rapids Press (linked in the commentary). Continue Reading...

The corporate milk wars

Biotech giant Monsanto has added its considerable influence to the push to restrict or ban labeling of dairy products as free from added rBST, a hormone commonly used to induce cows to produce more milk. Continue Reading...

Just Say No to (Corporate) Welfare

Just say “No!” to corporate welfare. That’s a pretty good motto, I think. And it seems that one form of corporate welfare, the vast system of farm subsidies, is getting some increased critical mainstream coverage. Continue Reading...