Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'fannie mae'

The Politics of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’

Frank Capra’s ‘It’s Wonderful Life’ is one of the greatest movies of all time. It’s a Christmas classic and also—as I’ve always thought—a conservative classic, a film whose themes align closely with traditional conservatism. Continue Reading...

Humility in a Time of Recession

Acton Research Director Samuel Gregg contributed this piece to today’s Acton News & Commentary. Sign up here for the free, weekly email newsletter. +++++++++ Humility in a Time of Recession By Samuel Gregg Since 2008, there has been much discussion about the contribution of unethical behavior to our present economic circumstances. Continue Reading...

Saving the Free Market

The famous Austrian economist, Joseph Schumpeter, despaired for the future of the free market system. The reason for this despair was that the excess wealth of the system would create educated folks who would turn on the very system that created them. Continue Reading...

The ‘new’ ownership society

I don’t think government ownership is what President Bush had in mind when he talked about his vision for an “ownership society,” which had ostensibly included a plank focused on “expanding homeownership.” Continue Reading...
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