Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'family'

Family Economics

It should be obvious that developments within a social institution as fundamental as marriage will have an economic impact. Sorting out cause and effect in such cases is no easy matter, however; the temptation is to draw easy and simplistic connections. Continue Reading...

PBR: Socialism Tyrannizes

In response to the question, “What is wrong with socialism?” In answering this question we could point to the historical instances of socialist regimes and their abhorrent record on treatment of human beings. Continue Reading...


The lyrics to “Busted,” written by Harlan Howard, and made famous as performed by Johnny Cash: My bills are all due and the babies need shoes, But I’m Busted Cotton’s gone down to a quarter a pound And I’m Busted I got a cow that’s gone dry And a hen that won’t lay A big stack of bills Getting bigger each day The county’s gonna haul my belongings away, But I’m Busted So I called on my brother to ask for a loan ‘Cause I was Busted I hate to beg like a dog for a bone, But I’m Busted My brother said, “there’s not a thing I can do, My wife and my kids Are all down with the flu And I was just thinkin’ about callin’ on you, ‘Cause I’m Busted.” Continue Reading...

Marriage movie

Opening this weekend in many markets is an enjoyable movie with a meaningful message, Fireproof. My wife and I had the opportunity to screen it a few weeks ago, and came away impressed. Continue Reading...

The Effective Stewardship Curriculum

Here’s another new production from Acton Media – The Effective Stewardship Curriculum. The Effective Stewardship Curriculum is a series of five video lessons, geared toward church small groups or other faith-based educational settings exploring how Christians live out the call to be stewards of our talents, the environment, our fellow man, institutions, and our finances. Continue Reading...

An impoverished culture

Rod Dreher links to a piece by Cato’s Brink Lindsey, “Culture of Success.” The conclusion of Lindsey’s piece is that familial culture is more important to child success in school and economic achievement than external assistance, in the form of tuition grants or otherwise: If more money isn’t the answer, what does have an impact? Continue Reading...

We Need a Menaissance

This bit in this week’s Telegraph nails something I’ve been wrangling with for a while. Maybe you men out there can relate: Many men believe the world is now dominated by women and that they have lost their role in society, fuelling feelings of depression and being undervalued. Continue Reading...

“The Pursuit of Happyness” a hit with libertarians

A favorable review of Will Smith’s The Pursuit of Happyness in Liberty: “The Importance of ‘Happyness’.” And just in case you thought that libertarians have no appreciation for social bonds whatsoever, here’s the conclusion of the piece: “Underlying this free-market philosophy, however, is a film that is unabashedly moving, demonstrating that true happiness does not lie in the accumulation of property alone, but in having someone to share the joy of good fortune. Continue Reading...