Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'family'

Treating Family like Royalty

Many years ago, an acquaintance of my wife’s and mine married a Habsburg. She was not of noble stock—just a good ol’ American girl whose beauty piqued the interest of a European archduke during a visit to the states. Continue Reading...

Making the World Safe for Children—Lots of Them

In nearly every era prior to our own, the links between sex, marriage, and children were considered a given, not a state of affairs to be questioned, let alone altered. Not so today, as the widespread availability of contraception and related changes in mores have enabled men and women to engage in sex without commitment—and, in many cases, to pursue both sex and marriage without any necessary connection to parenthood. Continue Reading...

This Fathers’ Day, Remember that Property Is Holy

The French Revolution of 1848, which began on February 22 in Paris, led to the fall of the July Monarchy in France, the founding of the Second Republic, a wave of democratic revolutions across Europe, a revival of European liberalism, and the spread of various forms of socialism. Continue Reading...

The impact of church attendance on child development and family life

Only 47% of Americans belong to a church of any faith. This matters, especially for families and children, as well as our communities, as church attendance and religious adherence not only benefit family life, but also the development of children, as both church and a strong family life positively form children and help them become productive members of society. Continue Reading...