Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'facebook'

New Journal of Markets & Morality Website

Today marks the official launch of the new and improved website for the Journal of Markets & Morality. In addition to the new design, we also have included a search feature whereby anyone who wants can search back issues for keywords, authors, names, and so on. Continue Reading...

Millennials Embrace the Entrepreneurial Vocation

A recent study by Millennial Branding reveals that “Owner” is the fifth most popular job title [listed on Facebook] for Gen-Y [i.e., Millennials] because they are an entrepreneurial generation. Even though most of their companies won’t succeed, they are demonstrating an unprecedented entrepreneurial spirit. Continue Reading...

A Fresh Look (and New Features) for the Acton PowerBlog

We’ve launched a redesigned Acton PowerBlog but there’s more to it than just a visual update.  You’ll find the following enhancements: A simpler look that seeks to better emphasize important features of the blog Convenient tab navigation on the right for frequently used items Increased real estate for blog posts like the one you’re reading Increased emphasis on social media including: New links near the top right and bottom of the page to Acton’s key social pages A live Facebook page stream on the right so you can see what’s happening without leaving the blog More “Like” and send buttons on front page blog posts (not just the first one) A new comment system that preserves all old comments while adding increased functionality A better subscribe page with more feed links and information The new comment system is probably the largest change after the redesign itself.  Continue Reading...

Local Churches and the ‘Halo Effect’

RealClearReligion has become a starting point for my day, and I’m honored to have this week’s commentary linked in today’s morning edition, “Local Churches Hard Hit as Recession Spreads.” The link posted just below mine from CNN’s Belief Blog highlights problems facing a local congregation, “Atlanta church faces eviction.” Continue Reading...

GodblogCon 2008 schedule announced

The schedule for this year’s GodblogCon has been announced. Building on our involvement last year, the Acton Institute is again sponsoring this unique event. As a think tank committed to exploring the dynamic connection between theology and economics, the Acton Institute is proud to be a part of the innovative evolution of dialogue in a digital age. Continue Reading...

More than Just a Pretty Facebook

After attending GodblogCon last week, largely due to the efforts of Rhett Smith, “New Media Ministry to the MySpace-Facebook Generation: Employing New Media Technologies Effectively In Youth Ministries” (a podcast of his talk is here), I started a Facebook page. Continue Reading...
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