Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Eric Metaxas'

Eric Metaxas’ golden triangle of freedom

We welcome guest writer Sam Webb to the PowerBlog with this review of If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty by Eric Metaxas (Viking, 2016). Webb is an attorney in Houston and studies at Reformed Theological Seminary. Continue Reading...


Acton’s enormously exciting FIRE SALE continues in the Acton Audio Store! We’ve marked down prices on our 2012 Acton University audio by SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT! Talks by luminaries such as Michael Novak, Eric Metaxas and Arthur Brooks are available for the low, low price of fifty cents! Continue Reading...

Registration Deadline for 2012 AU

The deadline to register for the 2012 Acton University conference is this Friday, May 18! This means that you have less than five days to visit to finish that application you started a few days ago. Continue Reading...

Video: Eric Metaxas on Bonhoeffer, the Church and Politics Eric Metaxas, author of the recently published biography Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, sat down with the Alliance Defense Fund to speak on the role of the church in public policy and how Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s example is especially relevant today. Continue Reading...
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