Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'economics'

Capitalism: It’s what all the cool kids do

I grew up in a very small town. Our fashion purchases were limited to the dry goods store (yes, it still went by that name) which carried things like Buster Brown shoes and sensible sweaters, or the grain elevator, where you could buy durable overalls for farm work. Continue Reading...

Andy Warhol, Boredom, And Poverty

AEI’s Arthur Brooks offers up an interesting take on solutions to poverty. He thinks the key lies in “boring things,” and his inspiration is artist Andy Warhol. I often ask people in my business — public policy — where they get their inspiration. Continue Reading...

Women Of Liberty: Jane Marcet

Jane Marcet is remembered most often for her scientific work in chemistry. Born in London in 1769, she was well-educated, and shared a passion for learning with her father. When she married Alexander Marcet, a physician, she would proof-read his work and eventually decided to publish her own thoughts. Continue Reading...