Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Donald Trump'

Don’t let culture define religious liberty

When a fashion designer recently called for an industry boycott of Melania Trump due to her political beliefs, plenty of progressives called it brave and principled. Yet when Christian wedding photographers express their own disagreements or beliefs, acting on one’s conscience somehow becomes a “sticky issue.” Continue Reading...

Video: Rev. Sirico on religion and the inauguration of President Trump

Acton Institute President Rev. Robert A. Sirico joined host Neal Cavuto this morning on Fox News Channel’s Cost of Freedom to provide commentary on the national prayer service held today at the Washington National Cathedral as part of the activities surrounding the inauguration of President Donald Trump, and to examine the role the civil religion has played throughout American history. Continue Reading...

Subsidies or tax breaks, both are cronyism

Last week, President-elect Donald Trump along with Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who is the current governor of Indiana, struck a deal with United Technologies, the parent company of Carrier, in order to save over 1,000 jobs from being sent from Indiana to Mexico.  Continue Reading...

Washington showdown looms over Ex-Im Bank and cronyism

Sen. Lindsey Graham, Republican from South Carolina, wants to change the rules of one of the biggest crony capitalist organizations in Washington.  He wants to make it easier for the Export Import Bank to dish out large amounts of corporate welfare to companies such as Boeing, which already brings in revenues upward of $95 billion per year. Continue Reading...