Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Crony capitalism'

Samuel Gregg: Crony Capitalist Predators

Acton’s Director of Research, Sam Gregg, discusses crony capitalism in today’s issue of The American Spectator. Gregg says 2014 looks to be the year of “inequality” economically-speaking, and that we must not forget the threat of crony capitalism. Continue Reading...

Was Gordon Gekko Catholic?

Is greed really good? Does self-interest equal sin? Samuel Gregg takes on these questions at, in an excerpt from his new book, Tea Party Catholic: the Catholic Case for Limited Government, a Free Economy and Human Flourishing. Continue Reading...

Peter Schweizer Talks Congressional Insider Trading

In his bestseller, Throw Them All Out, Peter Schweizer declares, “The Permanent Political Class has no sense of urgency to change because, for them, business is good.” Schweizer, who is interviewed in the latest issue of Religion & Liberty, appeared today on the Mike Huckabee radio show to talk congressional insider trading. Continue Reading...