October 10, 2019
June 28, 2019
Economics and the social nature of the person
At the center of the economy are human persons.
Economics must first be a human discipline before it can be a technical one. One of the essential characteristics of the human person is that we are social beings. Continue Reading...
August 22, 2017
The cramped morality of trade protectionism
May 05, 2017
How free trade creates economic and moral bonds
April 20, 2017
Back to the garden: How the Gospel redeems our work
April 19, 2017
Start-ups for the kingdom: How a Cincinnati church is empowering entrepreneurs
March 21, 2017
‘A habit of the heart’: Michael Novak on social justice
March 14, 2017
Economist as prophet vs. savior
February 03, 2017
Vocation vs. occupation: 4 callings in the Christian life
January 24, 2017