Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'COVID-19'

Loneliness: The incalculable cost of COVID-19

The recent Fourth of July holiday invited Americans to contemplate the principles upon which this nation was founded – and the battles fought to uphold those principles. Perhaps more than any other time of the year, we reflect on the heroism and sacrifice of our soldiers. Continue Reading...

“Minneapolice” state creates its own monster

In a May 30 article I published for the Italian media outlet Nouva Bussola Quotidiana, “Minneapolice”, repression and anger behind the violence, I explain that plenty of kindling was laid during American COVID-19 lockdowns for heated unrest that has erupted nationwide following George Floyd’s killing.  Continue Reading...

Coronavirus surges in Latin America

On Wednesday Alejandro Chafuen—the Acton Institute’s Managing Director, International—continued his series of articles on chronicling the impact of the coronavirus in Latin America. While the total number of cases has yet to reach the levels we see in the United States, the rate of infections and related deaths is increasing. Continue Reading...
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