Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'constitution'

Madison the Politician

James Madison has rightfully been forever identified as father of the U.S. Constitution, author of the Bill of Rights and coauthor of the Federalist Papers. In his new biography of America’s fourth president, Richard Brookhiser introduces us to Madison the politician. Continue Reading...

Gregg’s Take on Labor Day Debate

Yesterday, five leading Republican candidates participated in the Palmetto Freedom Forum, a serious debate on constitutional principles. Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, and Herman Cain answered questions from Tea Party congressmen Jim DeMint and Steve King, and Princeton professor Robert P. Continue Reading...

The Folly of More Centralized Power

My commentary this week addresses the importance of federalism and our fundamental founding principles in relation to the problems that plague the nation. There was once plenty of commentary and finger pointing in regards to setting a new tone of political and civil discourse in the nation. Continue Reading...

“Out of The City of Nazareth…”

If you listen to the radio, you’ve probably noticed the commercials promoting the U.S. Census. Where I live, stations are intermittently broadcasting commercials for the 2010 Census almost every time I’ve turned the dial. Continue Reading...

Amending Constitution Day

Today is Constitution Day in the United States. It seems appropriate to remember especially this day the 10th Amendment to the Constitution: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Continue Reading...

The Mr. Potato Head Constitution

My essay on the Constitution, judicial activism and the “living document” trope is here at The American Spectator. Here’s one passage: This brings us to the central irony. The very people most inclined to gush about our “living Constitution” treat it like a Mr. Continue Reading...

Woods on the Constitution

The prolific Thomas Woods has a new book out (with co-author Kevin Guzman): Who Killed the Constitution? Woods is the author of the Templeton Enterprise-award-winning The Church and the Market, a volume in the Lexington Books series, Studies in Ethics and Economics, which is edited by Acton’s Sam Gregg. Continue Reading...
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