Jimmy Lai: China must embrace ‘Western values’

Jimmy Lai, the Hong Kong-based entrepreneur and dissident, says he would gladly be arrested again, because advocating for human freedom is part of his character. And until China respects the freedom embedded in human nature, peace will not return to his formerly free province – or the world. Continue Reading...

Culture matters: China’s pre-revolutionary remnants

In our efforts to reduce poverty and spur economic growth, it can be easy to be consumed with top-down policy solutions and debates about the proper allocation of resources. Yet as many economists are beginning to recognize, the distinguishing features of flourishing societies are more readily found at the levels of culture – in our attitudes, beliefs, and imaginations. Continue Reading...

‘Little England’ comes to Hong Kong’s rescue

As U.S. cities seek to rebuild from chaos, Hong Kong continues to resist the imposition of order—a draconian order emanating from Beijing that will crush freedom of thought and expression. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has intervened with an historic proposal: He would allow nearly half the citizens of Hong Kong to immigrate to the UK. Continue Reading...

The persecution of Jimmy Lai

It’s no secret that China isn’t exactly flavor of the month throughout the world right now. Before the court of global opinion, the reputation of the Chinese regime is about as low as it can go. Continue Reading...
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