Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Business and Society'

The Christian Publishing Market

Some notes from a talk by Sally E. Stuart, author of The Christian Writers Market Guide: Publisher blogs are increasingly prevalent (for example, IVP). Authors are sometimes expected to provide fully developed marketing plans. Continue Reading...

Faith and Football

This week’s commentary by Anthony Bradley, “Obviously, Sports Do Not Build Character,” (along with our poll question) made me think of the series of articles appearing in the current issue of Christianity Today, which included a cover story on the NFL and an editorial addressing faith and the NBA. Continue Reading...

The Fate of the Family Farm

To hear the NYT tell it (and Sojourners, for that matter), the family farm is facing severe threats. With no small degree of dramatic flourish, the NYT editorial linked above concludes: For the past 75 years, America’s system of farm subsidies has unfortunately driven farming toward such concentration, and there’s no sign that the next farm bill will change that. Continue Reading...

Marketing is the New Finance

No doubt feeding the fears of those who believe that global corporations pose the greatest threat to the future flourishing of humanity, such multi-nationals are beginning to hire their own economists, much like governments have their own financial and economic experts. Continue Reading...