Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Bible and Theology'

God Hears the Compassionate

“If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.” Proverbs 21:13 I remember being very young and hearing a minister dramatically describe the flames and fires of hell in a sermon. Continue Reading...

George Hearst of Deadwood: ‘The-boy-the-earth-talks-to’

In a bit of an addendum to my review of the HBO series Deadwood in the current issue of Religion & Liberty, “A Law Beyond Law: Life Together in Deadwood,” I couldn’t help thinking of this bit from Clement of Alexandria when describing George Hearst, the über-robber baron of the Old West. Continue Reading...

Prosperity, Sexual Sin, and Forgiveness

A recent survey by the Pew Global Attitudes Project finds that “religion is less likely to be central to the lives of individuals in richer nations than poorer ones” (HT). Given the Bible’s many warnings about the danger presented by wealth, specifically the temptation to no longer rely on God and his providential care, that probably isn’t surprising. Continue Reading...

IDOP: Pray for the Persecuted Church

This Sunday, November 11, is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. A prayer “For the Persecuted” (BCP 1928): O blessed Lord, who thyself didst undergo the pain and suffering of the Cross; Uphold, we beseech thee, with thy promised gift of strength all those of our brethren who are suffering for their faith in thee. Continue Reading...

Sunset Boulevard: A haunting look at spiritual emptiness

In the classic 1950 film Sunset Boulevard, the character of film star Norma Desmond, played by Gloria Swanson, declares, “I am big. It’s the pictures that got small.” I watched Sunset Boulevard for the first time last night, thanks to the recommendation from a friend in Virginia. Continue Reading...
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