Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Ben Sasse'

Biden defers some Hong Kong deportations, acknowledging human rights crisis under Communist Chinese rule

Hong Kong, once a haven for those seeking to escape the Chinese Communist Party’s iron fist, has seen a rapid deterioration of freedom in recent months. Media and business mogul Jimmy Lai’s arrest and the breakup of his pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily, are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the CCP’s forceful decimation of free speech and silencing dissent. Continue Reading...

Ben Sasse on Christian witness in an age of disruption

In an age of continuous economic disruption and social fragmentation, what can possibly hold society together? Many are quick to turn to politics for such answers, pushing for increased price controls, trade barriers, and subsidies to prevent or mitigate the effects of such change. Continue Reading...

Ben Sasse on Why Over-Regulation Hurts the Poor

Conservatives are known for arguing about the ill effects of over-regulation, reminding us how it stifles innovation, cramps entrepreneurship, and harms small businesses. Where we’re less effective is connecting this reality to the more fundamental abuses it wields on human dignity in general and the poor and vulnerable in particular. Continue Reading...
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