Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'alt-right'

Ben Shapiro and the alt-right smear

Misunderstanding the alt-right seems to be the favorite activity of the established media. In the latest case, the favorite magazine of globalists – the English magazine The Economist – has characterized Ben Shapiro as the sage of the alt-right.  Continue Reading...

Why does the Alt-Right extol North Korea?

North Korea may seem like an odd choice for a white nationalist’s utopia, but then these are odd times. A significant portion of the Alt-Right has become enchanted with, or at least willing to defend, the world’s foremost bastion of Stalinism. Continue Reading...

Thoughts on Christians and race-identity issues

Here’s the deal, short and straight to the point, in light of the events in Charlottesville: Christians should not be within ten miles of this race-identity stuff. Something like “white nationalism” cannot be reconciled with the Gospel’s leap across racial and national barriers. Continue Reading...

How Donald Trump’s chief strategist thinks about capitalism and Christianity

Soon after winning the election, President-elect Donald Trump created waves of controversy by naming Steve Bannon, his former campaign CEO, as chief strategist and Senior Counselor in the new administration. Yet while Bannon’s harsh and opportunistic brand of political combat and questionable role as a catalyst for the alt-right are well-documented and rightly critiqued, his personal worldview is a bit more blurry.  Continue Reading...
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