Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'Acton University'

Bloggers @ ActonU 2008

I’m passing along this message from Kara Eagle, a program officer here at the Acton Institute. If you are a blogger and are interested in learning more about the pursuit of a free and virtuous society, keep reading: Greetings! Continue Reading...

GodblogCon 2007

The Acton Institute is a sponsor of this year’s Godblogcon, a conference that “will equip you with a working knowledge of new media technologies and its impact on society, empowering your ministry to employ quickly and easily new media technologies to engage culture for the cause of Christ.” Continue Reading...

More Audio from Acton University

This post will be updated and bumped as more audio becomes available. Newer audio appears at the bottom of the list. Economic Liberty in Catholic Social Teaching: Kishore Jayabalan Competing Visions of Business: Michael Miller Sixteenth-Century Protestant Moral Theologians: Stephen Grabill Catholic Social Teaching: Basic Principles: Stephen HaesslerNOTE: This is a re-post; the audio link from a previous post has been corrected. Continue Reading...

Father Sirico Closes Acton University 2007

Acton University 2007 came to a close this evening with another stirring address by Rev. Robert Sirico which capped a great week in Grand Rapids for all involved. It’s getting late and I can’t hope to top what Father Robert had to say this evening, so I’ll refer all of you to the audio link below. Continue Reading...

Acton University – Day 3 Audio Roundup

Today’s lectures from Acton University 2007 (updated as more audio becomes available): Natural Law and Protestant Public Theology: Dr. Stephen Grabill Enemies of the Inner City: John Nunes Moral Objections to the Free Market: John Schneider Private Property: Moral and Economic Foundations: Michael Miller The Bad News about the Prosperity Gospel: Rev. Continue Reading...

Acton University – Day 2 Audio Roundup

Today’s lectures from Acton University 2007 (updated as more audio becomes available): Protestantism and Natural Law: Dr. Stephen Grabill Theology and History of Globalization: Dr. Samuel Gregg The Catholic Social Encyclical Tradition: Kishore Jayalaban Knowing Good Works: Guidelines for Effective Compassion: Dr. Continue Reading...

A Firsthand Taste of Maggot-Free Capitalism

Kris Mauren (far right) and African guests get ready to visit GFS. Acton University is now well underway, and on Wednesday a group of seven African attendees joined Kris Mauren on a visit to Gordon Food Service’s Grand Rapids headquarters for an up-close look at ethical capitalism. Continue Reading...

Austrians at Acton University 2006

A contingent from Austria that attended last year’s Acton University produced a video on their experiences: Want to learn more? Register for next month’s Acton University 2007 (June 12-15, 2007) today. Continue Reading...
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