Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'acton news and commentary'

Presidential Campaigns and Soul Revival

“As Secularism Advances, Political Messianism Draws More Believers” is my commentary for this week. So much can be said about religion and presidential campaigns but for this piece I wanted to elevate some important truths about virtue and discernment in our society today. Continue Reading...

Class Warriors for Big Government

My commentary this week addresses the demonstrations in New York and in other cities against free enterprise and business. One of the main points I make in this piece is that “lost in the debate is the fundamental purpose of American government and the importance of virtue and a benevolent society.” Continue Reading...

Updates to the PowerBlog

Get the <a href=””>LOLord Acton</a> widget and many other <a href=””>great free widgets</a> at <a href=””>Widgetbox</a>! In our continuing efforts to remain relevant and “cutting edge” on the Internet, the Acton Institute has rolled out the LOLord Acton Quote Generator widget, visible in the PowerBlog’s upper left-hand corner. Continue Reading...
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