Brexit: Leaving EUtopia

History’s worst tyrannies began as attempts to create utopia. This longing to inaugurate the heavenly kingdom on earth – to “immanentize the eschaton,” in William F. Buckley Jr.’s memorable phrase – empowers politicians who promise peace and prosperity in exchange for power. Continue Reading...

Do unions raise wages?

Note: This is post #59 in a weekly video series on basic microeconomics. Do unions raise wages for workers as a whole? If not, can unions raise the wages of some workers? Continue Reading...

Christian freedom isn’t about choice

  As supporters of economic freedom, we frequently find ourselves in vigorous defense of personal choice, whether in business, trade, consumer goods, education, or otherwise. But while the elevation of economic choice is based on plenty of principle, not to mention historical and empirical analysis, we ought to be careful that our views about freedom aren’t confused or conflated in the process. Continue Reading...

When it comes to work-life balance, women know better than government

A series of governments across the West have crafted policies designed to help women achieve their goals. However, they failed to ask women what those goals might be. Economic interventions designed to nudge women into careers they don’t want, or to enter the workforce full-time even if they prefer to work in the home, uniquely disempower the women they are intended to help. Continue Reading...