Explainer: What you should know about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Earlier today, President Trump took action to formally abandon the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Here is what you should know about the agreement and why it matters. What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Five years in the making, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was a trade agreement between the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Vietnam, Chile, Brunei, Singapore, and New Zealand. Continue Reading...

Explainer: What you should know about ‘school choice’

In honor of the seventh annual National School Choice Week, here are some facts you should know about school choice in America. What does “school choice” mean? The term “school choice” refers to programs that give parents the power and opportunity to choose the schools their children attend, whether public, private, parochial, or homeschool. Continue Reading...

Samuel Gregg on Tocqueville and democracy’s fall in America

‘Democracy in America’ by Alexis de Tocqueville is a 19th century book that serves as a guide to explain how the American political system has evolved into its current state. In this book, Tocqueville describes what he noticed about American democracy when he traveled through the country in 1831.   Continue Reading...

Video: Rev. Sirico on religion and the inauguration of President Trump

Acton Institute President Rev. Robert A. Sirico joined host Neal Cavuto this morning on Fox News Channel’s Cost of Freedom to provide commentary on the national prayer service held today at the Washington National Cathedral as part of the activities surrounding the inauguration of President Donald Trump, and to examine the role the civil religion has played throughout American history. Continue Reading...

How to pray for President Trump

At noon today, Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. Whether you supported or opposed him, as Christians we have a specific duty to our new president: to pray for him. Continue Reading...

Called to the coalfields: How an Appalachian church is spurring economic action

  Due to a rapidly changing economy and a range of excessive regulations from the federal government, the American coal mining industry is facing serious challenges. For states like West Virginia, the effects are particularly painful, as mining towns and communities struggle under a projected 23% decline in related jobs in recent years, leading vast numbers of residents to leave the state altogether. Continue Reading...

5 facts about Inauguration Day

Tomorrow is Inauguration Day, a day of ceremonies to mark the peaceful transition of federal executive power within the United States government. Here are five facts should know about the most important date (after Election Day) on the political calendar: 1. Continue Reading...

Samuel Gregg on Pope Francis and radical capitalism

In a recent speech delivered to a gathering of the Roman round table of The Global Foundation at the Vatican, Pope Francis addressed economics. Specifically, he suggested that a capitalist ideology which is unconcerned about the marginalized has run rampant across the world.  Continue Reading...