5 Facts About Acton University

This is the week for the annual Acton University, a unique educational experience focused on the intersection of liberty and morality. Here are five facts you should know about Acton U. Continue Reading...

Perverse Incentives Hurt Poor Defendants

Since the landmark Supreme Court decision Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) every state has developed a system of public defense. The decision guaranteed that those accused of felony offenses are entitled to a lawyer under the rights outlined in the 6th Amendment, which include, the right to a jury trial, a public trial, and pertaining to Gideon, “to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.” Continue Reading...

Milton Friedman vs. Bernie Sanders

The presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders is about to come to an end. Unfortunately, though, the Democratic Socialism espoused by Sanders will live on long after his presidential ambitions have faded. Continue Reading...