Religious Shareholder Activists: Enemies of Debate

From the time your writer opted to publicly proclaim his policy opinions in a variety of forums that are privately funded, he has incurred estrangement from ideologically opposed friends and family members, as well as receiving threatening emails and even frightening phone calls from complete strangers. Continue Reading...

Lessons of the Flint Water Crisis

“As all the media attention attests, the sad story of Flint is not limited to itself,” says Kishore Jayabalan in this week’s Acton Commentary. “The entitlement mentality is like a drug ruining not just American cities but spreading to the country as a whole. Continue Reading...

This is No Time to Panic

Today is the official start of the primary season, which which means it’s also the time when many people officially shift into political panic mode. A lot of us are in a panic, fearing that Western civilization — or at least America’s future — is at stake and that something must be done quickly to avert disaster. Continue Reading...

The Goo-Goo Chorus of Silence

George Soros just donated another $6 million to Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s Super Political Action Committee, raising the total the billionaire has contributed thus far to her 2016 campaign to $7 million. Continue Reading...

5 Facts About the Iowa Caucus

Tonight the nominating process for the U.S. presidential elections officially begins when voters in Iowa meet for the caucuses. Here are five facts you should know about what has, since 1972, been the first electoral event of each election season: 1. Continue Reading...