The Bigger The Government, The Smaller The Citizen

Dennis Prager at Prager University reminds us that big government makes everything else (goodness, charity, self-reliance) smaller. Big government also creates a sense of entitlement amongst citizens, creating ingratitude and resentment – hardly what one wants in society. Continue Reading...

Apple’s Tim Cook: Profits Aren’t The Only Thing

From The Independent: He leads a company that some would consider the epitome of ruthless global capitalism. But Apple chief executive Tim Cook has shocked some in the US with an impassioned attack on the single-minded pursuit of profit – and a direct appeal to climate-change deniers not to buy shares in his firm. Continue Reading...

What is Innovation?

“Most CEOs now spray the word ‘innovation’ as if it were an air freshener,” says Dennis Berman in the Wall Street Journal, “A little spritz can’t hurt.” A prime example, notes Berman, is what Kellogg’s CEO John Bryant described as one of their company’s most important “innovations”: a peanut butter Pop-Tart. Continue Reading...

Explainer: What Just Happened with Russia and Ukraine?

Note: This is an update and addition to a previous post, “Explainer: What’s Going on in Ukraine?” What just happened with Russia and Ukraine? Last week, pro-EU protesters in Ukraine took control of Ukraine’s government after President Viktor Yanukovych left Kiev for his support base in the country’s Russian-speaking east. Continue Reading...
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