HHS Mandate: Hobby Lobby Explains Its Stance

Hobby Lobby, an arts and crafts retailer with 588 stores across the U.S. is involved in a federal lawsuit against the HHS mandate. Aided in their legal fight by The Becket Fund, Hobby Lobby wants people to know what is at stake in their fight against the federal government’s mandate that employers must include birth control, abortifacients and abortions in employee health care coverage. Continue Reading...

Patheos Launches New Channel on Faith and Work

Patheos has just launched a new channel called MISSION:WORK, which aims to host a wide and varied discussion about faith and work. Led by senior editor Chris Armstrong of Bethel Seminary, the site will serve as a hub of sorts, drawing content from a variety of places, including the Acton Institute, to cultivate a conversation on whole-life discipleship. Continue Reading...

Is Econ 101 Conservative Propaganda?

Is the teaching of basic microeconomics — opportunity cost, supply and demand curves, incentives, etc. — a form of conservative propaganda? Most people, including almost all economists whether liberal or conservatives, would obviously say “no.” Continue Reading...

Handing Down Poverty, Mother To Daughter

The New York Times unwittingly highlights many of the points from the Acton Commentary, Maria Shriver’s Big, Big Government Rescue Plan For Women. In a piece entitled “Sarah’s Uncertain Path,” the Times takes a  look at poverty in America, focusing on a pregnant 15 year old girl. Continue Reading...
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