Follow Acton University on Twitter

Acton University is happening all week, so if you’d like to read what our attendees are up to, follow the #ActonU hashtag on Twitter.  You can bookmark the feed and check back later, or search for the #ActonU hashtag on one of the various Twitter apps for Apple, Android, Windows Phone, or Blackberry.  Continue Reading...

‘No Religion, Please. We’re European.’

It is no secret that Europe is becoming less and less religious. A 2010 survey stated that only about half of Europe’s citizens believed in God, with some places (such as Sweden and the Czech Republic) registering belief in only about 20 percent of the population. Continue Reading...

Take This Job and Shove It, Faulkner-Style

Courtesy today’s edition of Prufrock, a fine daily newsletter edited by Micah Mattix, comes this classic resignation letter from William Faulkner, onetime postmaster at the University of Mississippi: [October, 1924] As long as I live under the capitalistic system, I expect to have my life influenced by the demands of moneyed people. Continue Reading...

Thinking About Money? You Dirty, Rotten Scoundrel

A study from Harvard University and the University of Utah purports to show that merely thinking about money makes one unethical and more inclined to immoral acts. The Huffington Post reports: Researchers split up roughly 300 participating undergraduate students into two groups. Continue Reading...