‘Tea Party Catholic:’ The Necessity of Faith and Liberty

Fr. C John McCloskey, research fellow at the Faith and Reason Institute, recently reviewed Sam Gregg’s Tea Party Catholic at the National Catholic Register. In “Life, Liberty and Faith,” McCloskey says, “Gregg builds an argument for free economy and human flourishing that is a must-read, regardless of your political affiliation or whether you are Catholic or a serious Christian concerned about the rapidly diminishing religious liberty in the United States.” Continue Reading...

Samuel Gregg on Pope Francis and Latin American Political History

Carl E Olson, editor of The Catholic World Report, recently wrote an article addressing the  perception of Pope Francis by media members outside the Catholic Church. He says: Many in the American media, however, have already made up their minds: yes, the new pope is “liberal”, and that supposed fact is a big problem for those “conservative” bishops who keep harping about fringe issues such as the killing of the unborn, sexual immorality, the familial foundations of society, and the need to evangelize. Continue Reading...

Does Church/State Separation Apply To Black Churches?

According to World News Daily the federal government has enlisted black church denominations to enroll people into Obamacare. Enroll America, a Washington-based nonprofit staffed in part by ex-Obama presidential campaign workers, is leading the enrollment campaign which saw just over 100,000 people “sign up” in October. Continue Reading...

‘Wisdom & Wonder’: Two Reviews from the Emerging Scholars Network

InterVarsity’s Emerging Scholars Blog recently posted two reviews of Abraham Kuyper’s Wisdom and Wonder: Common Grace in Science and Art, one from Dan Jesse, the other from David Carlson. Carlson nicely summarizes some of the book’s key implications for the life of the believer: One does not need to do Christian science or Christian art to be a faithful Christian in those domains.  Continue Reading...