Digitization of Newman Archive Announced

The University of Manchester has announced plans to digitize the holdings of the Cardinal Newman archive. Among the roughly 200,000 items of handwritten and other unpublished materials are 171 files of letters to (and from) “particular individual correspondents.” Continue Reading...

Business, Culture-Making, and the Rich Life of Discipleship

Over at the Institute for Work, Faith and Economics, Dr. Vincent Bacote follows up on a previous post on business as Christian cultural engagement, explaining how such engagement needn’t be separated from our view of discipleship: If we regard discipleship as the “spiritual” part of our life, we are certainly correct that it has everything to do with how we relate to God in our internal life. Continue Reading...

Do Corporations Have Religious Liberty Rights?

Three years ago the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations have the same rights as individuals to engage in political speech. As Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the Citizens United decision, the “corporate identity” of a speaker did not justify a reduced level of free speech protection. Continue Reading...

What Do Entrepreneurs Pray About?

“How is religion related to entrepreneurial behavior?” As Joe Carter pointed out last week, a new study by Baylor University sought to examine this very question. Focusing specifically on American entrepreneurs, researchers Mitchell J. Continue Reading...

Socialism Will Not Save Europe

Last night in Dublin I was having a conversation with a 65-year-old man who was ranting about the high unemployment rate in the European Union, which in the 17-nation currency area rose to 12.2 percent in April. Continue Reading...
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