Babel Inverted: The Power and Promise of Pentecost

Over at First Things, Peter Leithart uses the occasion of Pentecost as a launching pad for highlighting the primary theme of his latest book: “The West has been busy building neo-Babel” and the time is ripe for repentance and revival: We’ve dispensed with the effort to connect heaven and earth, since up above it’s only galaxies. Continue Reading...

Abraham Kuyper as a Third-Way Thinker

The Calvinist International recently interviewed Allan Carlson, author of Third Ways: How Bulgarian Greens, Swedish Housewives, and Beer-Swilling Englishmen Created Family-Centered Economies – And Why They Disappeared Could you tell us a bit about your view of how the Dutch polymath Abraham Kuyper influences your project? Continue Reading...

Best Commencement Speeches?

The Blaze has rounded up “5 of the Best Conservative Commencement Speeches” for 2013. Here are a few choice quotes: Cardinal Timothy Dolan at Notre Dame University: “… you are asked the same pivotal question the Archangel Gabriel once posed to her: will you let God take flesh in you? Continue Reading...

Why Government is Not Just a ‘Necessary Evil’

In the Federalist Papers James Madison claimed that, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” But is that true? James R. Rogers, an associate professor of political science at Texas A&M University, explains why some form of government would be necessary even if man were still in a prelapsarian state of nature: [E]ven without the Fall, there would be a role for civil government for the duly recognized person who exercises civil authority. Continue Reading...